Wednesday, June 08, 2005


Today I had my first volunteer finish taking part in my project. He made it through the 12weeks of the project and in celebration I brought some pastries and fruit. I noticed some strawberries going really cheap at a market stall and since they were looking very delicious I brought a punnet. We were pleasantly surprised by the sweetness of taste.

I later started looking up recipes with strawberries in and Mel suggested the blueberry coffee cake from the following website: All I had to do is replace the blueberries with strawberries. So after uni I dashed to the stall and luckily it was still open. I brought another punnet of strawberries and went off home. On the way purchasing the remainder of the ingredients needed for the cake. Got home and unfortunately left the strawberries in the kitchen unattended and being the lovely hot day that it was everyone felt like fresh fruit. Of course the strawberries were spotted, by the time I got back to the kitchen half had been gobbled up by my nieces and nephews. Anyway went ahead with the cake making scheme. Finally a cake was produced, that supported the weight of the strawberries. I thought all of them would sink to the base of the cake but no they stayed in position. Overall the cake was O.K but could have done with a few more strawberries, very small ones so you fit plenty in the cake.

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